Saturday, December 13, 2008

My Newest Products

I realized that I haven't written about any new product purchases lately --

Well since I last posted about products I have purchased I have gotten 2 sets of Martha Stewart Markers -

One is the dual tip makers, set of 6 for 8.98 (think, I know its 8 something -- and the other is the opaque spring color markers that comes as a set of 5 markers for the same price -- I got the opaque markers for my birtday last week (Dec. 5)

I love them both, they are both easy to write with -- the opaque is a pigment ink and the dual tip markers are dye inks. The dual tips -- one side is kinda like a fine pointy paintbrush that is good for flowing doodles and coloring in... and the other side is rounder firmer tip that is better for fine writing -- I just love these markers.. I purchased both sets at Wal mart for that price. I just love the fact that Walmart has Martha Stewart now!

The Opaque markers are a round firm tip and you have to push down on the tip gently to flow the ink out...but becareful or you will get a puddle of ink.. also there is a mixing ball in them so you have to shake them well before each use.. these are awesome because you can layer the colors on top of each other and write on dark papers.

The tips flow well and they are easy to write with. And they are good to use with stamps too.
I definately recommend them both.

Here are pictures of them -- sorry if they are not that great... I am having issue with my camera i have taken several pictures and they keep coming blurry..
but you get the idea.. I hope anyway..
Here are the Opaque Markers:

Dual Tip Dye Markers:

I also purchased MS Clear Glitter Stamp Kit for 17.-- at Walmart.. I really like that kit as well.. It came with a bunch of stamps 3 jars of glitter an acrylic block and a glue pad with a little glue refill.

it was worth it!


Be Blessed

OH, One More!!

I almost forgot.. on last craft for now..

I made this little caddy -- it is holding my CD's. I'm in the process of making more of these to hold some of my craft tools.

This is from another printable craft kit.. but is a kit called the Diva Spa Collection from

I just LOVE this kit and I can't wait to make it for a gift -- but for now it makes for really cute storage for my craft supples and CD's! It looks like a tool box.. LOL

I printed out the parts of the kit I wanted to use, cut it out and built it with decoupage medium (modge podge) which makes paper projects like this very sturdy and hot glue!!

Sometimes modge podge can be streaky, but its not that bad and it actually gives the project a bit of texture and character is what I always say to that!!

I put on a flower embellishment that is clipart from the kit.. there are two parts to this flower, the petals and the center.. I cut them both out and decoupaged them, then I punch 2 tiny holes in the center and tied some emboridery thread in it, and then used pop dots to attach the center and then the whole flower to the box.. then I traced around the word diva and some of the trim with my Martha Stewart glue pen ( which I tell you I just LOVE that tool!! ) I got it at Wal-Mart for 3 or 4 dollars...) then sprinkled on some, of course Martha Stewart glitter!
Also purchased at walmart for about the same price..

I think it came out great and I love that it sits there out where I see it all the time!!

Be Blessed

ok, now a little chat!

I didn't do much crafting between September and just these past few weeks!

Life just got a little bit crazy and I just couldn't concentrate on much.
But I have been busy lately and I'm glad, because I really miss crafting.
I just feel so relaxed and at peace when I'm in my craft zone.

I haven't even knitted to much at all either. But I am getting back on that because I had started a blanket, a very special blanket at that and I want to finish it.

Once I started to learn to knit, The Lord really put on my heart to make baby blankets for stillborn babies and their mothers. Why?

Well, 9 years ago, our daughter Emily was stillborn and my most treasured possesion is the hand crocheted baby blanket that they had her in at the hospital and then gave to me afterwards.
It is so special to me and has always just helped me feel connected to her and helped to fill those empty arms in some odd way. I want to give that to other moms that suffer the unbearable heartbreak of stillbirth.

So when I finish my blanket I will post it.. I actually am making it with the knifty knitter that I posted about. I love that knifty knitter..
I really hope we get snowed in this winter, so I just sit here and knit and craft all winter long!!

Well thats it for now..
Have a very Merry Christmas
and don't forget the true meaning of Christmas, that its about the gift that God sent from Heaven for us all -- Jesus. So just think on God's love and peace this season and get it deep in your heart to last you all year long.

Be Blessed

Paper Christmas Tree Ornaments

These are real cute.
I did this craft with the Missionettes at church ( a girls club kinda like the Girl Scouts).

I think this craft was quite a challenge for them.. but that is a good thing.. they managed to make them and they came out really great, some of the girls made really cool ones.

These were mine that I made. These are actually boxes, but you can make them so they don't open.
But the great thing about them being boxes is that you can hide a small gift for someone in it and hang it on the Christmas Tree.
Here is the link to where I got the template

The only thing with this template is, is that I thought it was backwards.. when I first printed it out and made a box --it was awkward for me.. so I just opened it up in my paint shop pro and mirrored the pattern.. and it was so much better and the box opened and closed on the right side and I was happy.. :)


Be Blessed

Decoupaged Picture Frames

These are a couple of the frames I talked about a while ago that I got at Kmart for 1.00 each that were tattered ... and I made one for my granddaughters picture..
With these I made them the same way -- I just decoupaged some scrapbook paper on them and added some letters and they look really great!

Be Blessed!

Snowman Poop!

Well these are cute.. I am making several of these as gaggifts/favors for our ladies Christmas get together at church....

It is a printable craft kit from --

It is a downloadable project that you just printout and put togehter..
I added a Snowman poop poem to it -- I coated it really good with decoupage medium (modge podge) and put it together with hot glue and then coated it again with the medium.

I punched holes in the top and added ribbon so it can be hung.

the insert is a snowman reading the newspaper -- and you insert a box of tic tacs into that and then put it in the outhouse.. so the snowman poop is actually tic tacs... cute.. :)

The poem reads:
I hear you've been naughty,
so listen here's the scoop
I'm running out of coal this year
so you get snowman poop.
Love Santa.

I made an extra piece of the roof with the poem on it and decoupaged it to the top..

I think these will be a hoot!

Be Blessed!

Monday, September 29, 2008

My latest Card Crafts --

I made these cards for my friends little girls Elissa Joy and Sarah Grace to celebrate their adoption.

Tucked inside the little tiny envelope in each card was a necklace for the girls, one was a cross necklace and the other an angel.

I had so much fun making these and giving these to these beautiful little girls.. :)

Be Blessed


Kniffty Knitter Looms

The knitting saga continues for me...

However, I have layed down my needles and picked up some looms and I just love them!

There are different brands of looms out there, but the ones that I purchased are made by Provo Craft and are called Kniffty Knitters.. they come in a bunch of different styles and there is even a weaving loom as well.

I purchased 4 different sets so far -- The circle looms, the purple long loom, the flower/tube loom and the tube loom. I have not purchased the long loom kit yet. But I will! They all come with a plastic needle and a hook that pulls your yarn through the loops.

You can make anything on these, the smaller ones are good for belts and handles and things like that. I am making draft blockers with mine and stuffing them with shredded paper and plastic grocery bags!! I will put these by any doors and on any windows in my house that has a draft coming through in the winter!

These looms are very easy to learn to use, and once you get the hang of it they get even easier and your work just seems to flow fast!! If you have carpel tunnel like I have, and knitting or crocheting gets to your wrists, these are great! No pressure on your wrists at all. At least not for me!

Learning the stitches is real easy and not as complicated as traditional knitting. Which, if you don't have a naturally mathematical brain it can really be confusing .. LOL! And that would be me!

Shown in the picture below is work I was doing on the purple loom making a scarf... see the beautiful result with such little effort!

So I definately recommend these looms to anyone who is interested in making crochet and knitting crafts, but just is having a hard time with the using the needles and hooks.
Knifty Knitter Round Loom Set With Hook & Bag

There are a ton of websites out there with how to videos, articles, and free patterns! Just google Knifty Knitter or Loom knitting...

Be Blessed

Friday, September 26, 2008

Its been while!

Hey.. its been a while since I blogged here.. its been a while since I did any crafting really..

Its been pretty busy since the kids went back to school.. I have been working on some loom knitting though -- not so much, but here and there.. I really love it..

I am hoping soon to be back to blogging regularly.. take it easy and see ya soon..

Be Blessed

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Learning How to Knit!!

Well I decided that I want to learn how to knit... I kinda know how to crochet.. nothing great.. but I can make some simple things like circles and scarves and maybe I could even make a simple blanket. All I know how to do is go around or back and forth and I'm probably not even doing that right, but I seem to be able to entwine the yarn together.. LOL..

My grandmother taught me how when I was a little girl and I remember sitting there with her making dresses and hats for my barbie dolls.. It was fun and I guess I never forgot how to do it!

I've been wanting to get back into crochet and I even thought about knitting too.. I see these big knitting kits at walmart with the circular knitting looms and I've been contemplating on getting them. A few years back I got one for my niece for Christmas.. I've been thinking I would like to have one too... But anyway.... During the city wide yardsale last month, I found a huge box of yarn for 3.00!! woo-hoo what a treasure! And well there just happened to be a pair of knitting needles in it.. so I decided that that was my que it was time and I was going to learn how to knit.

Well I have to say that its not as easy as I thought it was going to be! It took me a while to learn how to cast on.. even watching the videos over and over and over again.. but finally I saw what I was doing wrong and now I know how to cast on with one needle !! Yea!! .. however, I'm kinda lost as to what to do next... I suppose I'll figure it out though.. I'm good at that when I'm determined to do something!

There are two websites that I have been going to to learn and I think they are great and wanted to share them with you:

Here is a picture of my first knitting work! Believe me it was work too and I think I did a good job.. now I just have to figure out how to add on to this !!

Be Blessed


Magazine Rack Make Over!!

Well, in the middle of july there were tons of yard sales around here... and I got so many great things. My city had a "city-wide" yard sale.. it was a great day!!

I picked up this magazine rack for 2.00 -- I forgot to take a before picture of it.. but to give you an idea it was white and very dirty and chiped.. it had character then.. but it wasn't my style..

So I painted it with acrylic paint and then cut up scrapbook paper and decoupaged paisley all over it and then spotted it with dots of glitter paint.. I also sprinkled fine glitter over it while the decoupage was still wet... yes, now its my style.. gotta have a touch of bling !! :)

I am not finished with it yet, as I just did the front, and I want to do put the paisley all over it... I haven't had the chance to get more paper yet!

HOWEVER............ I love it also just the way it is.. really ...I just LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!

My New Grandson!

My new grandson was born on July 24, 2008!

Welcome Deacon Lee.. :)
He's so sweet:

Friday, July 18, 2008

I'm not picky, I have style... :)

I would have to say that I have a very eclectic style in scrapbooking -- I have a very eclectic style really in everything in my life!! Decorating, fashion, when I home schooled I was like that, and even with the preschool program at church that I organize.. I can't ever follow someone elses curriculm, I gotta make my own!! I always just have to do my own thing or put my own twist on something... I just love a variety of different styles -- there is probably something about every style out there that I like, except maybe like goth or something like that.. but then again, I do like black, so .. perhaps... so anyway.. I just kinda throw it all together somehow, and it usually works out just fine!!

I really do love that about myself!! If I love it, I use it..

I remember my scrapbooking days from when I was a teen and my scrapbook-- it was huge! It was full of Beatles pictures and stuff from Tiger Beat Magazine, like Leif Garret , John Travolta, and KC and the Sunshine Band, The Bay City Rollers, and Parker Stevenson, yeah I didnt like Sean Cassidy.. it was Parker for me ! I also had another album that I kept pictures of my friends and stuff in it with captions and other little mementos ... I have that one still, but I don't know what ever happened to that Tiger Beat scrapbook, but I loved to make those books. Another thing that I loved to do when I was a kid was doodle, I have always been a doodler... I can remember filling up pages and pages with doodles in class at school and even at home, I would listen to music and either work on my scrapbook or doodle.... and still do it, usually if I'm on the phone or listening to something if there is a something to write with and something to write on, I usually have it filled up with flowers and swirlies...

But anyway -- I love to scrapbook, I don't like so much digital scrapbooking --digital scrapbooking is good for pictures that I would put on my website and then it's usually a quick page... But for an archive of memories, its gotta be in an album for me and something I made! I just have to do it the old fashion way... and I do absolutely LOVE all the supplies that I have, I love collecting paper and I love making my books. There is just something about cutting and gluing paper for me that is so satisfying, I can't describe it!! Some sort of fetish maybe.. ... I just love to do that!!
That was my favorite thing to do when I used to work for a newspaper -- I loved to work on the layout and cut and paste all the ads and pictures on the paper !!

But anyway.. that's me that's my style ...paper, scissors, glue -- And a little bit of everything..
and Put it all together and well, that's me.. :)

Have a great day.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

WooHoo.. Martha at Wal-Mart!!

I went into my local Wal-Mart last week and what to my wondering eyes should appear, but the whole scrapbook aisle was totally FULL of the Martha Stewart Create craft line!!

I definatley am a Wal-Mart kinda gal --and definately LOVE Martha just as much... so this was just so exciting for me .. :)

I was jumping for joy in the aisle.. :)

So, I bought the glitter stamping starter kit, with some extra glitter and some brush markers for my first purchases of MS from WalMart .. :) What's on my wish list..

ummm..........EVERYTHING !! :)

Have a great day..

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Save your Foam Pieces!

OK, one more post this morning and then I need to get to my laundry, and other household chores.. yuck!

I guess this is a craft tip:

I save my little pieces of foam that I or the kids have left over after cutting out shapes and use them later on for popdots.

I just cut them to size and stick on either glue or double sided tape and viola! -- you have yourself a free (more or less) 3D mounting tab!
and of course, I save mine in jars. Here is one:

Jars of Stuff

If you read my first blog, I talked about how my grandmother and my great-grandfather organized their stuff in recylced jars.

That somehow rubbed off on me and I just love to put things in jars. But I have come to love to decorate my jars, they never did!
I suppose I will pass that down to my grandchildren.. haha.. :)
Anyway, here is a shelf in my room full of my jars and some cans -- I have jars and cans all through my room decorated to hold stuff.. this is just a sample.

Those cans hold my thumb tacs and paper clips -- they used be chicken cans. I love those large chicken cans! I also love the smaller cans that the evaporated milk come in.

I have decorated them with scrapbook paper, and/or ribbons and buttons. Everything just looks so much prettier when its decorated. I do have a couple that I painted and then decoupaged paper flowers onto them and glued ric rac around the mouth of the jar. They are not shown because they weren't up on my shelf, they are down on my work table!

Not only do I put my craft supplies in jars, but I usually put my baking supplies in jars too in my pantry. I tend to get ants around here, and putting everything in jars, keeps all my stock fresh.

Plus it looks alot neater in my pantry to and of course I put nice labels on the front of the jars and stuff... :)

Here is another picture of something useful -- this is a box of votive candle holders, the same day I purchased those frames at Kmart for a buck each, they also had sets of votive holders for 1.00 or maybe these were .75 cents - I'm not so sure now, but anyway, I certaintly didnt need to use this for votives, so I decorated the box and I use the votive holders to hold some of my brads and eyelets!!

It works, and its pretty too...

DUH and Double DUH.. Go to The Dollar Tree First!

I have been finding a ton of treasures at The Dollar Tree--

The one I go to is always stocked full of really great stickers and small paper packs by Miss Elizabeths. And, They are really nice too. If you saw my blog about the carpi sun storage boxes, I used some of the papers I got on them, and also on the CD's, the paper was purchased at the The Dollar Tree! They also have been having a ton of 3D embellishments lately too..

Some of those 3D stickers that are at the dollar tree -- I have also seen the same thing at the craft stores, for triple or quadruple the price!! Duh!

I also have seen people selling Miss Elizabeths on ebay for more money plus shipping!! Double DUH! They must go buy it from The Dollar Tree and then re-sell on ebay.

Last time I went, I also got a bunch of double sided tape, a couple of paper crimpers, and some embossing punches. They also always have small paper punches as well.

The Dollar tree is also always loaded with tons of craft supplies too, foam sheets, wood shapes, boxes, tons of silk flowers, beaded trim, buttons and appliques just so much stuff for crafting!! Its become one of my favorite craft stores to get inexpensive embellishments for my crafts. Or even things to makeover.. cause you know I love to make over stuff!

Also when I am there, I go grab a couple of the plastic place mats that they have in the housewares section, I use them for cutting/craft mats! They work great!

And the wall decals that they have there are super cute too.. the art work on those is done by an artist named Dan Morris
He used to be an artist and sell his work at Daisie Company, but no longer does. Anyway -- I just think that is cool because I love his artwork!

Well I hope when you go to The Dollar Tree you find those treasures too!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Quilled Button Mum Art

I love to do quilling, I am not an expert at it, but I have been playing around with it here and there for a few years, and I really like it! I want to start doing more quilled work.

I made this picture using of course, scrapbook paper-- I cut my own quill strips and just eyeball everything when I quill, I by no means, do it in an "expert" way. I just have fun with it.

And yes, I made my title banner for my blog out of this piece !! :)

Lamp Shade

I redone an old lampshade instead of throwing it out..

I covered it with scrapbook paper held on with double stick tape and beaded trim (glued on).

It's lovely and matches the colors of my Peace and Love Barbie.. :)

I love my lampshade and I love my 70's Peace and Love Barbie!!!

Craft Knife Holder and Note Pad and Pen

I have a TON of old CD's!
I have been saving them for years now.. and I have so many it isn't even funny .. I have lots of great ideas for them so stay tuned..

but for now, this is what I whipped up with 2 of them !

I covered the CD with scrapbook paper and glued two foam hearts to it.. I use it to hold my craft knife and also my little needle hole punch tool.

And.. with this CD I covered with paper and glued an old backgammon cup to it to hold some pens and the CD holds my sticky note pad..

Both of these are very handy and I really love them!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

My Newest Tool Purchase

I was so excited to find this punch -- A punch like this has eluded me for a while -- because every time I went to one of the craft stores.. there was nothing there like it and to purchase one online, was costly plus shipping ( ya know, I can't ever buy anything full price!) ... so I kinda just waited it out.. and one day I went to AC Moore with my 40% off coupon and I was just tickled pink to find this punch --

So not only did I finally find it.. but I got it 40% off!!

Its a McGill Perfect Petals Stacking Punch and at the moment its my prized possesion!
This punch is so easy to use and you can build many different types of flowers with it.

next on my list is the McGill Baby Blooms -- hopefully it'll work out to where I can get it 50% off!
I am working on a project, when complete, of course, I will post it to show what I made using this punch!

My Newest Book Purchase

I bought this book called Paper Greenhouse by Michael Strong --

I saw him several years ago on the Carrol Duvall Show and I was just totally intrigued by what he did with paper!! I finally bought this book a few months ago.. and I'm so excited about it.

I love this book because its totally written and published by him .. that is something that I have a desire to do someday. Publish my own book. :) But that's another story.. :)

But anyway.. it is filled with really wonderful projects..and easy to follow step by step instructions to create 15 different flower cards! He he teaches you how to make paper flowers for cards, but you can really take what you learn here and apply to whatever you would like.
It's really been a valuable tool in my paper crafting education.

I totally recommend this book to anyone who loves working with paper.. :)

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Orange Juice Cases to Pretty Storage

We shop at Sam's Club a lot -- and recently started to shop at Aldi's -- the best thing about these stores for me, is the boxes you can get there!!! :) :)

I got two orange juice cases from Aldi's --- and this is what I made from them:

This box holds my ribbon scraps --

..and this box holds some of my magazines that I love so much!

I just decoupaged scrapbook paper on them and and embellished.. :)

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Picture Frame

I bought a bunch of picture frames at K-mart that were marked down to $1.00!!

They were pretty beat up, but that doesn't bother me, cause I just cover them up anyway!!

I still have to use up the others, but with one of them I made this frame specially, to show off my precious granddaughter --

All I did was choose the scrapbooking paper I wanted to use -- Which I bought these particular ones loose at Michael's. and then I decided on my design. I cut out the letters using my Cricut cutting machine and emblished. I also cut out some of the flowers on the paper and put them around randomly to give the frame a 3D look. I also put rhinestones around.. everything I make has to have a little bling to it!


Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Storage Box Envelopes

We bought some Hawaiian Punch Freezer bars for the kids to enjoy -- and when I saw the boxes, I thought, very cool, mommy gets to enjoy these too!!
These boxes appealed to me because they open up like envelopes -- so I got busy and went to work.

I opened the boxes flat and decoupaged my paper choice on them.

Glued the boxes back together, added embellishments and clasps to hold the boxes shut and viola!

I had some really pretty boxes to hold some more supplies in.

You can get as elaborate as you wish -- Don't forget that these boxes and the capri sun boxes, would make awesome gift boxes too !!

Turn This:

Into This:

Storage Boxes

I am always in need of storage with my ever growing collection of craft supplies. And, usually what is working for something today, wont be working for that same item next week because, I will either have gotten more of them, or I have thought of another way to store it that I like better!

I really don't like the regular clear plastic shoe boxes or anything like that - that you can buy in the stores to store my craft supplies. They are just too boring for me!
What I like is something pretty and decorative with a handmade look to it!

Of course, anything that is like that, usually costs more than I am willing to spend - because ya know, I like to spend my money on my supplies, not storage!! So, what do I do? I save my trash and make my own storage!!

I made these pretty little storage boxes out of Capri Sun boxes!

What I did was open the box down the long seam -- once you do that you will see you have a nice little treasure box! Its not very deep, but it works to hold tons of smaller things that you would have!

I then chose some scrapbook paper and decoupaged that all over the boxes -- of course you can use fabric or paint, or whatever you like.. then I chose some embellishments and glued them on!

I used my Cricut to cut out the letters to show the content and decoupaged them on too!

Have fun creating your own!

Turn this:

Into this:

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Crusin' Book

I created this Memory Book for my friend who went on a cruise recently -- I used cardboard that I saved to make my covers -- and used cardstock for the pages.

I decoupaged scrapbook paper to make the covers, I love to use decoupage medium for this, because when it dries it leaves a very hard sturdy cover! I don't mind the brush strokes that may be left behind, it just gives my books more character and a more handmade appeal.
I used a bunch of different elements, like, clipart that I have purchased, pieces from scrap packs and punch outs, and other embellishments.

I also put in pockets that hold a 4X6 picture and she could easily put several pictures in the pocket if she wanted to. Towards the end I embllished a note card and gave her space to journal any special memories that she had. Also in the back I filled a pocked full of tags where she could journal more and put in a small envelope for any momentos that she would have.

On the back cover I placed a bible verse - Psalm 126:3 "The LORD has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy."

The letters were cut with my Cricut!

First Post from me, the Trash Lady .. :)

I've been blogging on my space for a while a little bit, but I decided that it was time give my craft blogging its own space... I'm excited and I hope that you enjoy what I make.

Something that I love to do is make useful things out of my trash..
I used to save everything I thought I could remake into something else.. until one day I literaly had trash bags full of boxes and jars and all kinds of other stuff that I thought was worthy of remake! I had gotten myself overwhelmed with trash saving, and it was taking over my house!! At this time, my crafting was basically non exsistant because I had been homeschooling my boys. So, I ended up throwing it all out when I just had no choice but to declutter this house!
However.. that pack rat part of me will never die..its been bred into me by my grand mother and great-grandparents... they were pack rats and they passed that down to me -- My grandmother, used to have, literally!! a hardware store in her basement, as did my great-grandfather out in his shed! They saved everything and organized everything into jars and cans.

I know that is where I get my "jar with things in it" fetish.. lol .... I have tons of jars that hold my treasures in it! I guess for them, when you had survived the great depression -- you learned how, out of necessity to save things and re-use them again for something else because there was nothing to get, you really had no choice -- I suppose that they always had that fear in them after that, that it may happen again, so they continued on and saved things and reused things.. and it rubbed off on me!
I am glad however, that I inherited my grandmothers thriftiness... I always have been and I will always be and its alright with me!

I do absolutely love yard sales and second hand stores and I even love to grab stuff I see out of peoples trash on trash day if I think I can use it for something!!
And this is one of the things my husband loves about me -- ya know.. I was pretty much, and still am a low maintenace woman.. hahaha.. anyway ...

But there is a bad side to this, as I stated in the beginning of this blog, we can definately get over run by junk!! So I have to becareful -- but ..........

I do love to make things out of trash!

I hope you enjoy my blog -
Be Blessed