Saturday, December 13, 2008

ok, now a little chat!

I didn't do much crafting between September and just these past few weeks!

Life just got a little bit crazy and I just couldn't concentrate on much.
But I have been busy lately and I'm glad, because I really miss crafting.
I just feel so relaxed and at peace when I'm in my craft zone.

I haven't even knitted to much at all either. But I am getting back on that because I had started a blanket, a very special blanket at that and I want to finish it.

Once I started to learn to knit, The Lord really put on my heart to make baby blankets for stillborn babies and their mothers. Why?

Well, 9 years ago, our daughter Emily was stillborn and my most treasured possesion is the hand crocheted baby blanket that they had her in at the hospital and then gave to me afterwards.
It is so special to me and has always just helped me feel connected to her and helped to fill those empty arms in some odd way. I want to give that to other moms that suffer the unbearable heartbreak of stillbirth.

So when I finish my blanket I will post it.. I actually am making it with the knifty knitter that I posted about. I love that knifty knitter..
I really hope we get snowed in this winter, so I just sit here and knit and craft all winter long!!

Well thats it for now..
Have a very Merry Christmas
and don't forget the true meaning of Christmas, that its about the gift that God sent from Heaven for us all -- Jesus. So just think on God's love and peace this season and get it deep in your heart to last you all year long.

Be Blessed

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