Monday, September 29, 2008

Kniffty Knitter Looms

The knitting saga continues for me...

However, I have layed down my needles and picked up some looms and I just love them!

There are different brands of looms out there, but the ones that I purchased are made by Provo Craft and are called Kniffty Knitters.. they come in a bunch of different styles and there is even a weaving loom as well.

I purchased 4 different sets so far -- The circle looms, the purple long loom, the flower/tube loom and the tube loom. I have not purchased the long loom kit yet. But I will! They all come with a plastic needle and a hook that pulls your yarn through the loops.

You can make anything on these, the smaller ones are good for belts and handles and things like that. I am making draft blockers with mine and stuffing them with shredded paper and plastic grocery bags!! I will put these by any doors and on any windows in my house that has a draft coming through in the winter!

These looms are very easy to learn to use, and once you get the hang of it they get even easier and your work just seems to flow fast!! If you have carpel tunnel like I have, and knitting or crocheting gets to your wrists, these are great! No pressure on your wrists at all. At least not for me!

Learning the stitches is real easy and not as complicated as traditional knitting. Which, if you don't have a naturally mathematical brain it can really be confusing .. LOL! And that would be me!

Shown in the picture below is work I was doing on the purple loom making a scarf... see the beautiful result with such little effort!

So I definately recommend these looms to anyone who is interested in making crochet and knitting crafts, but just is having a hard time with the using the needles and hooks.
Knifty Knitter Round Loom Set With Hook & Bag

There are a ton of websites out there with how to videos, articles, and free patterns! Just google Knifty Knitter or Loom knitting...

Be Blessed

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