Tuesday, July 1, 2008

First Post from me, the Trash Lady .. :)

I've been blogging on my space for a while a little bit, but I decided that it was time give my craft blogging its own space... I'm excited and I hope that you enjoy what I make.

Something that I love to do is make useful things out of my trash..
I used to save everything I thought I could remake into something else.. until one day I literaly had trash bags full of boxes and jars and all kinds of other stuff that I thought was worthy of remake! I had gotten myself overwhelmed with trash saving, and it was taking over my house!! At this time, my crafting was basically non exsistant because I had been homeschooling my boys. So, I ended up throwing it all out when I just had no choice but to declutter this house!
However.. that pack rat part of me will never die..its been bred into me by my grand mother and great-grandparents... they were pack rats and they passed that down to me -- My grandmother, used to have, literally!! a hardware store in her basement, as did my great-grandfather out in his shed! They saved everything and organized everything into jars and cans.

I know that is where I get my "jar with things in it" fetish.. lol .... I have tons of jars that hold my treasures in it! I guess for them, when you had survived the great depression -- you learned how, out of necessity to save things and re-use them again for something else because there was nothing to get, you really had no choice -- I suppose that they always had that fear in them after that, that it may happen again, so they continued on and saved things and reused things.. and it rubbed off on me!
I am glad however, that I inherited my grandmothers thriftiness... I always have been and I will always be and its alright with me!

I do absolutely love yard sales and second hand stores and I even love to grab stuff I see out of peoples trash on trash day if I think I can use it for something!!
And this is one of the things my husband loves about me -- ya know.. I was pretty much, and still am a low maintenace woman.. hahaha.. anyway ...

But there is a bad side to this, as I stated in the beginning of this blog, we can definately get over run by junk!! So I have to becareful -- but ..........

I do love to make things out of trash!

I hope you enjoy my blog -
Be Blessed

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