Friday, July 18, 2008

I'm not picky, I have style... :)

I would have to say that I have a very eclectic style in scrapbooking -- I have a very eclectic style really in everything in my life!! Decorating, fashion, when I home schooled I was like that, and even with the preschool program at church that I organize.. I can't ever follow someone elses curriculm, I gotta make my own!! I always just have to do my own thing or put my own twist on something... I just love a variety of different styles -- there is probably something about every style out there that I like, except maybe like goth or something like that.. but then again, I do like black, so .. perhaps... so anyway.. I just kinda throw it all together somehow, and it usually works out just fine!!

I really do love that about myself!! If I love it, I use it..

I remember my scrapbooking days from when I was a teen and my scrapbook-- it was huge! It was full of Beatles pictures and stuff from Tiger Beat Magazine, like Leif Garret , John Travolta, and KC and the Sunshine Band, The Bay City Rollers, and Parker Stevenson, yeah I didnt like Sean Cassidy.. it was Parker for me ! I also had another album that I kept pictures of my friends and stuff in it with captions and other little mementos ... I have that one still, but I don't know what ever happened to that Tiger Beat scrapbook, but I loved to make those books. Another thing that I loved to do when I was a kid was doodle, I have always been a doodler... I can remember filling up pages and pages with doodles in class at school and even at home, I would listen to music and either work on my scrapbook or doodle.... and still do it, usually if I'm on the phone or listening to something if there is a something to write with and something to write on, I usually have it filled up with flowers and swirlies...

But anyway -- I love to scrapbook, I don't like so much digital scrapbooking --digital scrapbooking is good for pictures that I would put on my website and then it's usually a quick page... But for an archive of memories, its gotta be in an album for me and something I made! I just have to do it the old fashion way... and I do absolutely LOVE all the supplies that I have, I love collecting paper and I love making my books. There is just something about cutting and gluing paper for me that is so satisfying, I can't describe it!! Some sort of fetish maybe.. ... I just love to do that!!
That was my favorite thing to do when I used to work for a newspaper -- I loved to work on the layout and cut and paste all the ads and pictures on the paper !!

But anyway.. that's me that's my style ...paper, scissors, glue -- And a little bit of everything..
and Put it all together and well, that's me.. :)

Have a great day.

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