Monday, March 2, 2009

Home Sweet Home

I've just been thinking so much about how thankful I am for the roof over my head.

People left and right are losing their homes, and last year, we almost lost ours , my husbands strokes in the beginning of the year just started a domino effect of events .. but Praise the Lord we were able to get back on track and now all is well ..

I live in a humble little house, and its dated, we've been here for 3 years now... and the 1970's original wallpaper and stuff is still up in the bathroom and kitchen.. ya know avacado green, burnt oranage, yellow ocure, big giant 70's flowers and stripes.. just picture.. LOL My friends tell me though, that my house is modern, all that stuff is back in style.. LOL I'm not so sure.

Well, we knew when we bought the house the changes we wanted to make, but it seems like no sooner did we move in here when thing after thing after thing happened that has prevented us from doing what we had planned thus far.

We are about to paint the walls finally -- and that is exciting to me, the bathroom and the kitchen will have to wait..

but that is ok.. it doesn't really bother me anymore.. I am thankful for the home the Lord has blessed us with.. it's warm and cozy and best of all the people that I love most in the world are here with me.... its good to be content.

Well that brings me to my project.. I actually made this months ago - its just a quick little cartoon sketch of my house, it hangs in my entry way when you first walk in my house..
The heading at the top reads
"As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15.

Be Blessed


Sunday, February 22, 2009

Good Bye Country Home!

Wow.. I just got to look through yesterday's mail and I got my April issue of Country Home..Well.. there was a note on the cover that said Country Home Magazine is no longer going to be publsihed!! UGH!! I am so bummed..

I get to live out the rest of my subscription however, with Family Circle Magazine, its ok I guess, but I really loved Country Home and I am really sad to see that magazine go.. I suppose its all part of the ailing economy...

well its not so bad as they still have their webite..

Be Blessed