Saturday, December 13, 2008

Paper Christmas Tree Ornaments

These are real cute.
I did this craft with the Missionettes at church ( a girls club kinda like the Girl Scouts).

I think this craft was quite a challenge for them.. but that is a good thing.. they managed to make them and they came out really great, some of the girls made really cool ones.

These were mine that I made. These are actually boxes, but you can make them so they don't open.
But the great thing about them being boxes is that you can hide a small gift for someone in it and hang it on the Christmas Tree.
Here is the link to where I got the template

The only thing with this template is, is that I thought it was backwards.. when I first printed it out and made a box --it was awkward for me.. so I just opened it up in my paint shop pro and mirrored the pattern.. and it was so much better and the box opened and closed on the right side and I was happy.. :)


Be Blessed

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