Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Storage Boxes

I am always in need of storage with my ever growing collection of craft supplies. And, usually what is working for something today, wont be working for that same item next week because, I will either have gotten more of them, or I have thought of another way to store it that I like better!

I really don't like the regular clear plastic shoe boxes or anything like that - that you can buy in the stores to store my craft supplies. They are just too boring for me!
What I like is something pretty and decorative with a handmade look to it!

Of course, anything that is like that, usually costs more than I am willing to spend - because ya know, I like to spend my money on my supplies, not storage!! So, what do I do? I save my trash and make my own storage!!

I made these pretty little storage boxes out of Capri Sun boxes!

What I did was open the box down the long seam -- once you do that you will see you have a nice little treasure box! Its not very deep, but it works to hold tons of smaller things that you would have!

I then chose some scrapbook paper and decoupaged that all over the boxes -- of course you can use fabric or paint, or whatever you like.. then I chose some embellishments and glued them on!

I used my Cricut to cut out the letters to show the content and decoupaged them on too!

Have fun creating your own!

Turn this:

Into this:

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