Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Learning How to Knit!!

Well I decided that I want to learn how to knit... I kinda know how to crochet.. nothing great.. but I can make some simple things like circles and scarves and maybe I could even make a simple blanket. All I know how to do is go around or back and forth and I'm probably not even doing that right, but I seem to be able to entwine the yarn together.. LOL..

My grandmother taught me how when I was a little girl and I remember sitting there with her making dresses and hats for my barbie dolls.. It was fun and I guess I never forgot how to do it!

I've been wanting to get back into crochet and I even thought about knitting too.. I see these big knitting kits at walmart with the circular knitting looms and I've been contemplating on getting them. A few years back I got one for my niece for Christmas.. I've been thinking I would like to have one too... But anyway.... During the city wide yardsale last month, I found a huge box of yarn for 3.00!! woo-hoo what a treasure! And well there just happened to be a pair of knitting needles in it.. so I decided that that was my que it was time and I was going to learn how to knit.

Well I have to say that its not as easy as I thought it was going to be! It took me a while to learn how to cast on.. even watching the videos over and over and over again.. but finally I saw what I was doing wrong and now I know how to cast on with one needle !! Yea!! .. however, I'm kinda lost as to what to do next... I suppose I'll figure it out though.. I'm good at that when I'm determined to do something!

There are two websites that I have been going to to learn and I think they are great and wanted to share them with you:

Here is a picture of my first knitting work! Believe me it was work too and I think I did a good job.. now I just have to figure out how to add on to this !!

Be Blessed


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