Tuesday, February 10, 2009

New Beginnings!!

Ok.. this is officially my last post at Off The Page Paper Crafts..

I've really been doing alot of thinking about things and its time for me to do what I want to do, instead of sitting around wanting to do it.. and playing around here half heartedly wasting my precious time.. seriously!

I am setting up my Memory Works Website and going to start a new blog with a new name called
drum roll please.........

My Paper Heart.. which is the perfect name.. why.. well.. my heart is really really thin .. LOL like paper and it tears easily... .. and ironically.. my favorite thing is cutting paper and not only cutting it.. but I love to glue back together or on to something else !!

So when that name came into my head.. (and heart) I felt like it was the Lord telling me that would my perfect name to do my thing under..


I have created a facebook group for now.. and you can find that here:

or by searching the Facebook groups and looking for My Paper Heart

See ya soon and I'll will leave this here indefinately and also leave a link to where I have moved my blog too..
I'll probably just make another blogspot.. but I am not sure.


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