Friday, February 6, 2009

I'm a Scrapbook Consultant and I haven't done a thing with it!!

About a year ago, I became a Scrapbook Consultant for Memory Works.

I have not done one single thing with this!!

I really don't want to be known as a Scrapbook consultant though,
I want to be known as a Paper Craft Expert.. LOL

I am really feeling like I want to get going with this and start having workshops.

I'm going to make my website -- they give you a good deal on that through the company -- and well I feel like want to just jump into this now and get going.

AC Moore wont hire me, and neither will Michaels.. their loss... I would have been an awesome worshop teacher for either one of those stores... but they wont even give me a chance.. LOL

So I'm going for it on my own..

I am so not good with marketing, especially myself. I am a really good "behind the scenes person" I am not so good as an upfront leader type person... unless of course its like teaching a craft or something, then I have no problem... its the marketing part, the selling of the product and the convincing of the people they need to have a scrapbook party and then buy my products..that I have a hard time with... LOL .. that is my issue.. so this is another challenge for me..

This is why kinda, besides that alot has happend last year.. I wasnt' able to really concentrate.. I have been putting this on the back burner of my life for a year, cause I'm nervous of failing.. of this not working out..

but well, they say that its better to have tried and failed then to never have tried at all..

Pray for me and send me blessings on this!! LOL

and don't forget that I'm your friendly neighborhood Memory Works Consultant!

I'll let ya all know when my website is finished..



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