Monday, March 2, 2009

Home Sweet Home

I've just been thinking so much about how thankful I am for the roof over my head.

People left and right are losing their homes, and last year, we almost lost ours , my husbands strokes in the beginning of the year just started a domino effect of events .. but Praise the Lord we were able to get back on track and now all is well ..

I live in a humble little house, and its dated, we've been here for 3 years now... and the 1970's original wallpaper and stuff is still up in the bathroom and kitchen.. ya know avacado green, burnt oranage, yellow ocure, big giant 70's flowers and stripes.. just picture.. LOL My friends tell me though, that my house is modern, all that stuff is back in style.. LOL I'm not so sure.

Well, we knew when we bought the house the changes we wanted to make, but it seems like no sooner did we move in here when thing after thing after thing happened that has prevented us from doing what we had planned thus far.

We are about to paint the walls finally -- and that is exciting to me, the bathroom and the kitchen will have to wait..

but that is ok.. it doesn't really bother me anymore.. I am thankful for the home the Lord has blessed us with.. it's warm and cozy and best of all the people that I love most in the world are here with me.... its good to be content.

Well that brings me to my project.. I actually made this months ago - its just a quick little cartoon sketch of my house, it hangs in my entry way when you first walk in my house..
The heading at the top reads
"As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15.

Be Blessed


Sunday, February 22, 2009

Good Bye Country Home!

Wow.. I just got to look through yesterday's mail and I got my April issue of Country Home..Well.. there was a note on the cover that said Country Home Magazine is no longer going to be publsihed!! UGH!! I am so bummed..

I get to live out the rest of my subscription however, with Family Circle Magazine, its ok I guess, but I really loved Country Home and I am really sad to see that magazine go.. I suppose its all part of the ailing economy...

well its not so bad as they still have their webite..

Be Blessed

I changed my mind!!

Well, I changed my mind, you will find that I do that often :)

I decided to keep this blog, because .. I love it and I just wanna keep it and still blog here about things that I do that don't necessarily have to do with my Memory Works biz.


So.. a sneak peak.. I just purchased a Making Memories Slice Machine! I'm so excited.. I haven't even gotten it in the mail yet.. sooooo.. Stay tuned for my review on that!! Its gonna be fun fun!!

Slice Die-Cut Machine Starter Kit

Be Blessed

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

New Beginnings!!

Ok.. this is officially my last post at Off The Page Paper Crafts..

I've really been doing alot of thinking about things and its time for me to do what I want to do, instead of sitting around wanting to do it.. and playing around here half heartedly wasting my precious time.. seriously!

I am setting up my Memory Works Website and going to start a new blog with a new name called
drum roll please.........

My Paper Heart.. which is the perfect name.. why.. well.. my heart is really really thin .. LOL like paper and it tears easily... .. and ironically.. my favorite thing is cutting paper and not only cutting it.. but I love to glue back together or on to something else !!

So when that name came into my head.. (and heart) I felt like it was the Lord telling me that would my perfect name to do my thing under..


I have created a facebook group for now.. and you can find that here:

or by searching the Facebook groups and looking for My Paper Heart

See ya soon and I'll will leave this here indefinately and also leave a link to where I have moved my blog too..
I'll probably just make another blogspot.. but I am not sure.


Friday, February 6, 2009

I'm a Scrapbook Consultant and I haven't done a thing with it!!

About a year ago, I became a Scrapbook Consultant for Memory Works.

I have not done one single thing with this!!

I really don't want to be known as a Scrapbook consultant though,
I want to be known as a Paper Craft Expert.. LOL

I am really feeling like I want to get going with this and start having workshops.

I'm going to make my website -- they give you a good deal on that through the company -- and well I feel like want to just jump into this now and get going.

AC Moore wont hire me, and neither will Michaels.. their loss... I would have been an awesome worshop teacher for either one of those stores... but they wont even give me a chance.. LOL

So I'm going for it on my own..

I am so not good with marketing, especially myself. I am a really good "behind the scenes person" I am not so good as an upfront leader type person... unless of course its like teaching a craft or something, then I have no problem... its the marketing part, the selling of the product and the convincing of the people they need to have a scrapbook party and then buy my products..that I have a hard time with... LOL .. that is my issue.. so this is another challenge for me..

This is why kinda, besides that alot has happend last year.. I wasnt' able to really concentrate.. I have been putting this on the back burner of my life for a year, cause I'm nervous of failing.. of this not working out..

but well, they say that its better to have tried and failed then to never have tried at all..

Pray for me and send me blessings on this!! LOL

and don't forget that I'm your friendly neighborhood Memory Works Consultant!

I'll let ya all know when my website is finished..



I Know!

I so know that I have been so slacking in my blog posts..
not that I think anyone is really reading it anyway.. but
I just keep plugging along with it, because God is teaching me how to not get discouraged and to keep going with things in my heart that I want to do and not give up and quit when I don't get a response that I want.

Usually I will get discouraged and just stop or delete .. this time I'm not doing that.

But really, I just get busy with other things and this always seems to get forgotten, and it has to be because of that reason, that I just think its a waste of my time, but its not.. I'm learning new things and I enjoy it.

Well, since my last post, I have finished a scarf that I knitted and I have re-started a baby blanket.

I love my knifty knitter knitting looms, once you get the hang of the stitches, the process goes really fast and you can finish a blanket in just days.

I am posting a pic of the scarf below.. I think its awesome, the best part about it is the satisfaction that I get knowing that I made that!!

I'm telling ya, if you ever wanted to knit or crochet but were completely intimidated by it, go get yourself some looms, its easy and fun and very therapeutic.. LOL

I can't wait to finish my baby blankets and then I really can't wait until I have a bunch of them to bring to the hospital! Sometimes I think though I should be making baby quilts and not knitting. And that could be why I just haven't finished a baby blanket yet!!

I pray that the Lord really just blesses that ministry that he has put on my heart.

I also designed the wall mural for our children's program room at church.

I'm so excited that it was accepted, that makes me feel really good about my work and gives me more motivation to keep going!

The challenge now, will be to make that little piece of art, a wall mural!!

I'm a bit intimidated by the thought, the wall is very big!!
This is very new territory for me.

So this is my design piece:

This is just basically a rough draft of what will go on the wall, I already have more ideas to add to this.. so excited to get started..

and here is my beautiful scarf! It came out almost perfect!! Just like if I would have bought it in the store, but its better cause, I MADE IT! I love making things!

Well until next time,

God Bless
