Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Learning How to Knit!!

Well I decided that I want to learn how to knit... I kinda know how to crochet.. nothing great.. but I can make some simple things like circles and scarves and maybe I could even make a simple blanket. All I know how to do is go around or back and forth and I'm probably not even doing that right, but I seem to be able to entwine the yarn together.. LOL..

My grandmother taught me how when I was a little girl and I remember sitting there with her making dresses and hats for my barbie dolls.. It was fun and I guess I never forgot how to do it!

I've been wanting to get back into crochet and I even thought about knitting too.. I see these big knitting kits at walmart with the circular knitting looms and I've been contemplating on getting them. A few years back I got one for my niece for Christmas.. I've been thinking I would like to have one too... But anyway.... During the city wide yardsale last month, I found a huge box of yarn for 3.00!! woo-hoo what a treasure! And well there just happened to be a pair of knitting needles in it.. so I decided that that was my que it was time and I was going to learn how to knit.

Well I have to say that its not as easy as I thought it was going to be! It took me a while to learn how to cast on.. even watching the videos over and over and over again.. but finally I saw what I was doing wrong and now I know how to cast on with one needle !! Yea!! .. however, I'm kinda lost as to what to do next... I suppose I'll figure it out though.. I'm good at that when I'm determined to do something!

There are two websites that I have been going to to learn and I think they are great and wanted to share them with you:

Here is a picture of my first knitting work! Believe me it was work too and I think I did a good job.. now I just have to figure out how to add on to this !!

Be Blessed


Magazine Rack Make Over!!

Well, in the middle of july there were tons of yard sales around here... and I got so many great things. My city had a "city-wide" yard sale.. it was a great day!!

I picked up this magazine rack for 2.00 -- I forgot to take a before picture of it.. but to give you an idea it was white and very dirty and chiped.. it had character then.. but it wasn't my style..

So I painted it with acrylic paint and then cut up scrapbook paper and decoupaged paisley all over it and then spotted it with dots of glitter paint.. I also sprinkled fine glitter over it while the decoupage was still wet... yes, now its my style.. gotta have a touch of bling !! :)

I am not finished with it yet, as I just did the front, and I want to do put the paisley all over it... I haven't had the chance to get more paper yet!

HOWEVER............ I love it also just the way it is.. really ...I just LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!

My New Grandson!

My new grandson was born on July 24, 2008!

Welcome Deacon Lee.. :)
He's so sweet: